Collection: Good family eggs

What is the quality of the eggs?

Everything about eggs = All parent chickens raise healthy parent chickens, and for safe, secure, and nutritious eggs, we have been particular about food, drinking water, and the environment.

Commitment to bait.

Specially blended paprika (Western pepper), vitamins (A, B1, B2, B12, D3, E, K3), protein is fishmeal (natural sardines, etc. are dried and powdered). I give plenty of protein and corn.

Commitment to drinking water.

We filter groundwater to remove impurities and give water.

Commitment to the environment.

Stay safe with a windowless poultry house.
Compared to open-type poultry houses, contact with wild birds and small animals is eliminated, parent chickens are protected from bacterial infections and high temperatures in summer and low temperatures in winter, and are reared under thorough hygiene management.

5 points of quality eggs

Point 1

Kodawari Kazoku no Kodawari Tamago is a delicious egg with about 30 times more vitamin E than regular eggs.

Point 2

“Kodawari Kazoku no Kodawari Eggs” are characterized by their rich and rich yolks that are safe to eat raw.

Point 3

The yolk of Kodawari Kazoku no Kodawari Eggs has a rich, reddish orange color. No synthetic coloring agents such as canthaxanthin are used.

Point 4

We give specially mixed feed for "Kodaki Family's Kodawari Eggs". Healthy, safe and secure eggs are born from healthy parent chickens.

Point 5

"Kodawari Kazoku no Kodawari Eggs" are eggs that are laid by parent hens that are 200 to 450 days old, unlike the eggs that are laid by parent hens that are 150 to 700 days old, which are generally distributed. The goodness of Iki is different!